Wednesday, February 24, 2010

home boy not mommas boy

i have a son a wonderful son.. he was the first person i loved more than myself and its a good job or i would have eaten him, several times... that's what stops us .. the love that consumes and then wanes enough for us to let them be.
they do just enough damage to us to let the love change so we can let them go without freaking out everytime they leave the house... "put your coat on your mothers cold"
i dont lie awake any more wondering if hes in a ditch, cos i know he prob is, but he'll be fine. hes 19 where else would he be.. learning to play in the big bad..

i travelled the world .. hitchhiked, got into strange vehicles, stayed in strange houses with even stranger people. i not only survived, i flourished, i grew to extraordinary heights. not one dangerous moment, well maybe one or two... i have an aura of self protection which i think hes inherited.
my parents oh so far away, had no idea and its prob just as well.

i in the western way left home .. was forced to live on my own..unlike the eastern families i saw who shared homes with parents, grandparents and siblings for many years.
why do we think it strange to want our families close? why do we put our old folks in homes ? our children in accommodation?
surely to share our skills, our knowledge, to have on hand babysitters and friends to pitch in share the load.. why do we discourage and disparage this ?
all of us needing our own little boxes taking up space using more resources.
so let them go play in the world but maybe just maybe don't make them feel guilty or useless ..its not a failure to launch ,its another way, that might make a stronger way, an easier way for all.

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